Anthony Rhodes is an actor, known for The Good Hunt (2017), Menagerie (2015) and Redcon-1 (2018).
Anthony Richard Pagliaro, as known as Tony Pagliaro, is an American actor that provides film props and picture cars to the independent film industry through his companies, "Picture Cars by Tony Pagliaro" and "Ambulance4rentdotcom." Pagliaro's notable work includes contributions to award-winning feature films such as Sony Picture's "Searching" (2018) and HBO's "The Fallout" (2022), as well highly-rated made-for-tv feature films including "The Twisted Nanny" (2019) and "Missing Twin" (2021).
Anthony Rickman is known for Enola Holmes (2020) and Wreck (2022).
Anthony Ring is an actor and producer, known for Throwback (2014), Beneath Hill 60 (2010) and The Straits (2012).
Anthony Risticati is an actor, known for Paranormal Asylum (2013).
It looks like we don't have any Biography for Anthony Riverton yet.
Tony Rizzo is the son of late broadcaster Jack Reynolds. Tony has covered Cleveland sports for three decades, and has been a local fixture on Cleveland television on WJW, Channel 8, first as a sports anchor on the local FOX 8 News, but later with his own locally produced aptly-named television show "The Tony Rizzo Show." Tony's career in sports radio took off when he was hired as the sports update person with John Lanigan and Jimmy Malone on WMJI. He later became the main host of The Really Big Show on ESPN Cleveland, WKNR. Tony's prominence in Cleveland sports radio led to his being cast, along with his radio co-host Aaron Goldhammer, as himself in the 2014 Ivan Reitman film Draft Day.
Anthony Robbins was born on February 29, 1960 in Glendora, California, USA. He is an actor and writer, known for Shallow Hal (2001), Man's Search for Meaning and Food Matters (2008). He has been married to Sage Bonnie Humphrey since October 14, 2001. They have one child. He was previously married to Rebecca Biggerstaff.
Anthony Robert Grasso is a seasoned actor/director and master teacher who has dedicated over thirty years to working and teaching in an industry that holds his heart. An artist from an early start, Grasso is a true chameleon with a vast range and is always seeking diverse and challenging material to add to his extensive list of moving and gritty roles. An indie award winning film actor (Sundance, Hoboken International Film Festival, Genre Film Festival in Japan, Atlanta Great Southern Short Festival, and LIIFE ), he has also enjoyed a vibrant career in television, appearing in notable recurring roles on Marvel's Jessica Jones and Gotham as well as a co-starring on Blue Bloods,Person Of Interest, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, and Sex & The City, to name a few. Mr. Grasso has appeared in both National and Regional commercials, most notable Director M. Night Shamalayan's AMEX Campaign. Upcoming Releases include: The Long Commute (co-wrote and co-produced) and Less Heat In Arizona, the Blind Date, Wink, Any Given Tuesday, Extradition (actor/director), Retreat (director) Monarch Butterfly and 3 indie Pilots: The Probe, General Mess Hospital and A Beautiful Distraction. He teaches on-camera technique in NYC at ARG Studio and is one of the industry's most respected headshot photographers. Anthony studied at The British American Drama Academy in Oxford England, The Actor's Studio and The Neighborhood Playhouse.